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Contains Standardized Patented Extract o

About Us

SugaHeal is an Ayurvedic proprietary medicine, made wholly from plant ingredients and acts as an Add on (adjuvant) therapy for people with high blood sugar levels. The key ingredient in SugaHeal is ‘Standardized Fenugreek seed extract’ which is derived naturally through a patented process


SugaHeal includes the following ingredients


Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds stimulates production of Insulin inside

the body


Amla Fruit

Amla helps in cholesterol reduction in the body and lowers blood sugar levels


Gokhru Aerial Plant

Gokharu in addition to lowering cholesterol levels also provides blood sugar lowering effect


Green Tea

It has antioxidant effect which helps in eradicating free-radicals from the body


Gurmar Fruit

Gurmar from ayurvedic

times has been used to lower blood sugar


Flax Seed

Flax seed has cholesterol lowering effect along with improvement of blood lipids


Black Pepper

It increases the bioavailability of the active ingredients which is useful to increase the efficacy

Clinical Study 1

Patients had improved glycemic control


Decrease in levels of number of insulin doses needed per day


Reduction in number of hypoglycemic events per day

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Clinical Study 2

SugaHeal maintains Glycated Hemoglobin levels in the optimum range


Support Healthy blood sugar level

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