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  • What is SugaHeal?
    SugaHeal is an ayurvedic add on therapy for people with diabetes. It has patented ingredients and is backed by two clinical studies.
  • Difference between type 1, type 2 & pre-diabetes?"
    People with type 1 diabetes don't produce insulin. On the other hand, people with type 2 diabetes don't respond to insulin as well as they should and later in the disease often don't make enough insulin. Prediabetes is when your blood sugar level is higher than it should be but not high enough for your doctor to diagnose diabetes.
  • What is Insulin resistance?
    The hormone insulin helps control the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood. With insulin resistance, the body's cells don't respond normally to insulin. Glucose can't enter the cells as easily, so it builds up in the blood. This can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes.
  • How does SugaHeal work?
    SugaHeal contains Standardized Fenugreek Seed Extract, enriched to Amino Acid. The Amino acids present in Fenugreek seed has insulinotropic activity and thus helps maintain healthy blood sugar level.
  • Who can take SugaHeal?
    We recommend SugaHeal for people with Type-2 Diabetes and also for people with Pre-Diabetes.
  • When can I take SugaHeal?
    The dosage of SugaHeal is 3 tablets a day, one before every meal. (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)
  • Can SugaHeal be taken with other diabetes medications?
    SugaHeal is an add on therapy for diabetes. It does not replace your current medications. We recommend you to continue your current medicines while taking SugaHeal.
  • How does SugaHeal stand apart from other ayurvedic products?
    SugaHeal is made from a standardized patented extract of fenugreek seed. The molecules of fenugreek seed are carefully isolated and made available.
  • How long should one consume the product?
    SugaHeal should be consumed for minimum 3 months to achieve optimum results. Since, SugaHeal is made from natural ingredients, it does not give any side effects, if consumed for longer period.
  • How will I come to know the results after using the product?
    We recommend one should get their HbA1c level tested before starting & after 3 months of consumption where one can see reduction in their HbA1c levels. However, we suggest one should consume SugaHeal along with a healthy diet and daily exercise routine for better results.
  • Are there any side effects after discontinuation of the product?
    No, there are no side effects of SugaHeal if discontinued. However, to get consistent results it is advised to continue taking SugaHeal for a longer period.
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